Cornea Reading Corner

Recommended reading for August

Ten-Year Outcome of Boston Type I Keratoprosthesis Surgery at a Tertiary Care Center

Authors: Tsou, Brittany C. MD et al
Publication: Cornea 43(8):p 982-988,
Date: August 2024

Descemet Stripping Only: Long-Term Outcomes

Authors: Hakim, Farida Esaa MD et al
Publication: Cornea 43(8):p 994-998,
Date: August 2024

Incidence and Clinical Features of Immunologic Rejection After Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty

Authors: Kasamatsu, Hirotsugu MD et al
Publication: Cornea 43(8):p 1008-1014,
Date: August 2024

Outcomes of Pre-Descemet Endothelial Keratoplasty for Failed Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty

Authors: Narang, Priya MS et al
Publication: Cornea 43(7):p 860-865
Date: July 2024

Dramatic Reduction in Corneal Transplants for Keratoconus 15 Years After the Introduction of Corneal Collagen Crosslinking

Authors: Hagem, Anne Marie MD et al
Publication: Cornea 43(4):p 437-442
Date: April 2024

Does Corneal topography using 3-dimensional Optical Coherence tomography suggest different subtypes of Terrien Marginal

Authors: Ruutila, Minna MD, FEBO et al
Publication: Cornea 43(5):p 571-577
Date: May 2024

Supine Positioning for Graft Attachment After Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial (OPEN ACCESS)

Authors: Kladny Anne-Marie S. et al
Publication: American Journal of Ophthalmology
Date: December 2023

Ophthalmic News Articles

Claes Dohlman, who restored sight with artificial cornea, dies at 101

Author: Brian Murphy
Publisher: The Washington Post
Date: July 16th 2024

Small Device, Big Name – Using a “mini earthquake” to shake up a droplet of human tears has enabled a group of Australian researchers to develop a device they believe can conclusively diagnose dry eye disease

Author(s): Ralph Johnstone
Publication: The Ophthalmologist
Date: 16th July 2024

How can ophthalmologists predict or prevent dry eye after cataract surgery?

Author(s): Kenneth A. Beckman
Publication: Ocular Surgery News
Publication Date: 22nd July 2024

Human corneal endothelial cell transplantation with nanocomposite gel sheet preserves corneal stability in post-corneal transplant bullous keratopathy: a 16-year follow-up.

Author(s): Dr. Samuel JK Abraham, et al
Publication: Case Report – American Journal of Stem Cells.
Date: June 2024

Reeccomended reading for July

Breakthrough Wound-Healing Contact Lenses Unveiled by Cross-Disciplinary Canadian Team.

Author: Rich Carriero
Publication: Media MICE COOKIE Magazine.
Date: March 2024

Magnetic cell therapy is a potential treatment option for corneal endothelial dysfunction via Ophthalmology Times

Author: Lynda Charters – Reviewed by Sumit Garg, MD, ABO
Publication: Ophthalmology Times
Date: June 2024
Pinhole pupilloplasty can play role in post-keratoplasty irregular corneas
Author(s): Dhivya Ashok Kumar, MD, FRCS, FICO, FAICO & Amar Agarwal, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth
Publication: Healio – Ocular Surgery News
Date: June 2024

Racing against microbial keratitis – Challenging choices force ophthalmologists to weigh long-term outcomes.

Publication: Ophthalmology Times Europe
Date: April 2024
Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis
Author(s): Karen Hu, MD et al
Publication: Annals of Eye Science
Date: June 2024