Call For Papers (Closed)

Call For Papers (Closed)

  • 27th November 2019


Abstracts may be submitted for the following Presentation Types:
– Free Paper
– Posters

On completion of your abstract submission you will be sent an automated confirmation email. Please check your junk folder if you do not immediately receive this email.

– Abstracts submitted in hard copy format will not be considered.

– All Abstracts must be submitted in the presenting author’s name.

– Papers will not be accepted on topics related to refractive surgery.

– Do not submit more than one abstract with the same title.

– The organisers will not accept any responsibility for abstracts that have been submitted incorrectly.

– All abstracts will be reviewed, graded and accepted or rejected by the Programme Committee.
The Committee reserves the right to determine whether a free paper submission is accepted as an oral presentation or a poster. The decision of the Committee is final.

– If you choose to submit an abstract(s) we will use your personal details to keep you updated on its status including whether it has been accepted for presentation at the annual congress. If your abstract(s) is accepted for presentation at the annual congress your contact details (name and email address) will be sent to a third party Audio Visual Company (M Events) in order for them to contact you in relation to uploading your presentation.

– If a Poster/Free Paper is accepted for display/presentation, the Presenter must undertake to display/present it.

– The Presenter must be a registered delegate at the 10th EuCornea Congress and pay all applicable fees.

– Failure to present without prior notice to the Programme Committee may influence future acceptance of presentations.

– All abstracts selected will be posted online at The abstract will appear exactly as submitted.

All submitted abstracts must be in English and follow the structured format below:

– Title (250 characters)

– Purpose (200 words max)

– Setting/Venue (100 words max)

– Methods (200 words max)

– Results (200 words max)

– Conclusions (200 words max)

– Financial Disclosure: Please indicate Yes/No

All abstracts MUST be submitted in the presenting author’s name.

Financial Disclosure: Please indicate Yes/No with details where applicable

– The summary of results presented must be given in sufficient detail to support the conclusions. The Programme Committee will only accept abstracts with final results or conclusions.

– References and credits cannot be included as part of an abstract.

– Formulae should, in general, be avoided.

– When using abbreviations or acronyms for the first time, care should be taken to spell them out in full, with the abbreviation in parentheses after the full word/s, the first time it appears in the text. The abbreviation should be used alone thereafter.

– Indicate whether the presenting author or any co-author has a financial interest in the subject matter or receives money from any mentioned company.

– If you have more than 6 co-authors, please send an email to listing the additional authors and your abstract code (FP-XXXXXX, POS-XXXXXX)

– Any financial interest must be declared in the first slide of the Free Paper.

– Each author may submit a maximum of 1 Free Paper and 2 Poster abstracts.

– High scoring Posters may be considered for possible presentation in the ‘Poster Village’. This format will be in the style of an electronic poster, but will include an oral presentation. Authors must be present to defend and discuss their paper

– Authors must present their posters as a maximum of 6 Powerpoint slides. On acceptance of a poster the author will be fully informed of the process for the submission and display of their presentation.